James Martel
Albuquerque, United States
The Biggar Clan
Jim Brown
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Natalie Roantree
The Roantree Clan
Karrin Sprankle-Cooper
Allen, Texas, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Frankie Shane Humphrey
Rainbow City, Alabama, United States
The Coffey Clan
Tim Cooke
Kailua Kona, United States
The Cooke Clan
Joseph McCool
The McCool Clan
Allison McGinnis
United States
The McGinnis Clan
Virgil Poore
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Fort Myers FL, United States
The Drew Clan
John Cullen
The Cullen Clan
Joe Rogers
United Kingdom
The Rogers Clan
Gregory Ross
United States
The Ross Clan
Nicola Whiteley
The Hamilton Clan
Tammy Lea Taylor
United States
The O'Duggan Clan
John DuPrey
Columbus, OH, United States
The Coakley Clan
Brigitte Begley
Las Vegas, United States
The Begley Clan
Jacquie Daish
Bedford, United Kingdom
The Riley Clan
Deagláin Ó Maolagáin
Cill Iníon Leinín, Ireland
The Mulligan Clan
Denis Bowen
Limerick, Ireland
The Bowen Clan
Robert Dixon
The Black Clan
Douglas McMillen
United States
The McMillen Clan
mike garvey
The Garvey Clan
Ansia Posthumus
South Africa
The Bateman Clan
thomas sheehy
United States
The Sheehy Clan